Class Teacher: Mrs Nessa
Support Staff: Mrs Ketteringham
Email: [email protected]
Hello, my name is Mrs Nessa and I will be teaching in Year 2 again this year.
With Mrs Ketterinham. I am really excited to meet all the children and have a fun year learning, creating and having fun together!
I grew up in Greater Manchester and moved to West Yorkshire 8 years ago. This is my third year teaching.
A few of my favourite things include being a huge Harry Potter fan, watching movies, shopping,
spending time with my friends and family and my pet cat Sarabi.
We hope you enjoy looking at our class page. We will update this page regularly throughout the year with photographs of what we have been doing and also with key information which you may find useful. If you have any questions, please contact the class teacher who will be able to help. If you would like to get in touch you can email me on [email protected]
Week 4 & 5
Year 2 have been busy with learning a new skill in DT, with all the different joining skills we already know we learnt a new one in textiles this week. We have learnt how to do a running stitch. We had to practice using plastic needles first and thread it through some card creating a running stitch. It was tricky at first until we got the hang of it.
we have also been learning about sharing and grouping in maths using equipment to make it easier to see. And in PSHE, we have started a new unit on medicine. We discussed the different medicines we know about, where we can use them and why sometimes we have to use it.
Spring 2
Week 1 and 2
Welcome back! As soon as we ere back year 2 have been really busy. we are learning all about multiplication and division in maths, we have been writing a narrative writing and in design technology we have been looking at different fabrics, thier properties and uses and how to manipulate these fabrics to look like something. We created hair that looks like ours from our chosen fabrics.
In week 2 we have had World Book Day, we read and looked at the book My Tower and created art work using the nature around us and using one of the characters as inspiration.
This week we went to the theatre Interplan and watched a performance about the seasons. It was very fun and interactive.
Week 5 and 6
Year 2 have been working really hard for literacy week at our school. We all looked at different fables. Our fable was The North Wind and the Sun. We innovated the orginal fable and made it our own with our own characters but the moral stayed the same. We also crested art focusing on sketching, line making and toning skills.
Week 3 & 4
In week 3 and 4 we launched Commando Joe’s in Year 2. We had worked in teams to create the word Armley and then in our second session we had to create a course to transport water from one end to the other. It was based on our Topic Great fire of London we completed last term. We have also looked at art and continued our batik lesson, creating a coaster using batik. In science we we conducted an experiment to answer a question whether it was right or wrong.
Spring Term 1
week1 & 2
Year 2 settled in really well after the Christmas holidays. We went straight into working really hard and recapping everything that we learnt about in autumn term and continued with our learning addition and subtraction in maths. We started our new writing and we are learning to write all about a setting description. Will you be kept on word classes to get a refresh.
We looked at different Senton types and expanded noun phrases to be able to use in our writing. The children have come up with really good sentences which relate to our topic Pole to Pole.
In geography we are learning all about the polar regions the north pole and south pole also known as the Arctic and Antarctica. During our lesson to be learnt where the polar regions are located on a map and label the different continents all around them. In science we have started our new topic of animals including humans and we have been learning about life cycle. We learnt about the life cycle of a frog and then we had to sequence it independently and label the different sections.
Week 6 and 7
In the last two weeks before the holidays we have been looking at how London had changed after the great fire in London 1666. We looked at the differences and similarities of house building . After in pairs we made our own Tudor houses for an experiment. We wanted to see how fast the fire had spread first hand and we re-enacted the scene. We made sure that we were a safe distance away with safety measures in place.
The last week of term we had a creative week we made reindeer hats and we made Christmas cards for our families. during this week we also had our Christmas party and we played lots of Christmas games with the year one children it was a lot of fun. We then learnt a few Christmas songs for our special Christmas assembly for our parents which we performed at. It was very exciting.
Autumn 2 Week 5
This week the children haven looking forward to visiting InterPlay theatre and watching Whiskers First Christmas. The children thoroughly enjoyed it so did the adults!
We have also been busy making Tudor houses for our Great fire of London Topic and we managed to finish them too… watch this space for what we will be doing with them!
Autumn 2 Week 3 & 4
Year 2 have been learning all about how to write an instruction text in writing. We linked our writing to our Topic in History where we are learning all about The Great Fire of London. Because the fire started in a bakery we decided to write an instruction text about how to make bread. We also got to bake some bread we made from scratch. It was delicious when we tried it!
In these weeks we also learnt about fact fa,I lies in maths and it was a special day during these weeks where we remember all the people who caught in WW1. To commemorate we made some posters for Remembrance day.
Autumn Term 2
Week 1 & 2
It has been fantastic to have Year 2 back after the half term holidays. As soon as we came back we were back at it, working really hard. In writing we learnt all about the different features of a diary as we will be learning all how to write a diary extract which links to our topic work in History, all about the Great Fire of London. We also enacted some role play in ‘Hot-seat’ and have two characters from our story visit us to answer our questions we prepared for them.
In art we were learning about weaving and the technique needed to do this. We then had a go ourselves using paper strips and card. It was quite challenging!
This week we learnt about fact families in maths and learnt how to find them and recognise them. We learnt about the The Great Fire of London and sequences the events into order and researched information about it using the internet. This Friday is a special day known as Armistice Day also known as Remembrance Day so we made some poppy painting to remember the soldiers and all the people that died in WW1 and WW2.
Autumn Term 1
Week 1 & 2
Our first day was a very busy one. We did some ice breaker activities to get to know each other then the following day we went straight into getting on with some hard work. The children have been working really hard in all lessons getting used to the year 2 curriculum and timetable.
on Wednesday we had the Leeds Rhinos coach in to do P.E. with us and the children played some warm up activities. We have also been doing some Grammar and Punctuation work and rewriting sentences in Writing and tried our new music scheme Charanga. The children thoroughly enjoyed music. We also looked at different materials in science and identified some of their properties.
This week have started our art topic and we are learning all about the Spanish artist Micro. We are using some of his motifs to make a ‘Dice of Decision’ to help us with our art work. We have also started our writing topic and we are learning to re-write a narrative. This week we are internalising the text with actions and will be creating our story map soon. So keep watch.
Week 3 and 4
Year 2 have been super busy working on the new white rose maths scheme and the children have been using equipment to help them place value. We have really busy working with Jermaine our Leeds Rhino coach in P.E.
We have also been learning to sequence our story map in Writing to help us with our own story map that we have created this week. This will help us write our narrative more independently.
On Friday we completed our ‘Dice of Decision’ to help the children with designing their art work mimicking our artists work Miro.
Week 5 and 6
we have been extremely busy in year 2 these few weeks. We finished off our narrative writing about us visiting different landmarks in Tokyo Japan. We also did come research using the internet and found out information about Leeds.
This week we have been busy imitating our artist Miros work and his work inspired us to creat a self portrait in his style. We have also conducted an experiment in science to see which material was waterproof and which was not. It was fun and exciting to be able to work with different materials.