
Armley Park Primary School


At Armley Park Primary School, we are committed to maintaining a very high standard of safeguarding for all members of the school community.


If you have any concerns about a pupil at Armley Park Primary School, please come and talk to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) who will be able to help you. 


Designated Safeguarding Lead:

  • Miss Caine (Headteacher)


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leeds:

  • Mrs Cliff (Safeguarding Officer)
  • Mr Kinnes (Deputy Headteacher)
  • Miss Jackson (EYFS Leader)
  • Mrs Howard (SENDCo)


Please note - the staff will only be available to help you during 8am and 4pm, Monday to Friday and we cannot guarantee we will be able to respond to concerns during the school holidays. If you have a concern and the staff are not available to support, please contact Children's Social Care Service on 0113 2224403. 


If you have concerns about a pupil but you would like to remain anonymous, you can contact Leeds City Council Children's Social Worker Service who will be able to help you. Further information can be found here or by calling 01132224403. If you have immediate concerns that a child is at significant risk of harm, please contact the police. 


Click here to visit Leeds City Council's website to view more information about keeping children safe. 


The Child Protection Policy is updated each year and a copy will be uploaded here once it has been ratified by the Governing Body in the Autumn Term. 
