It is our intent at Armley Park Primary School to provide pupils with a high-quality education in English that will teach pupils to speak, read and write fluently so that they can communicate their ideas and emotions to others effectively. Our writing curriculum enables pupils to read, plan, explore and write across a wide variety of texts and genres.
In Foundation stage, pupils are provided with opportunities to explore writing in groups, whole class and whilst accessing areas of provision. Adults model how to write for a variety of reasons, encouraging pupil’s independence and developing a love of writing.
Pupils follow a writing process in KS1 and KS2 based on research from the EEF (Education Endownment Foundation) in which they read and respond to a text, analyse the text and then plan their writing with opportunities to review, edit and improve. The writing process enables children to imitate the features from each text-type by seeing a good example first, practise using the same skills and then creating their own versions.
Owlcotes Elements
One of our Owlcotes Elements is 'A Way With Words'. We want our pupils to be efffective communicators both orally and in written form. Each year group has opportunities to develop their writing and oracy skills. For example, Year 3 have the opportunity to compete against other schools in a Spelling Bee competition where they showcase their spelling abilities. Y2 watch a Christmas pantomine and see how the power of words can entertain. Y6 script their own debate speeches and debate against other local school at Pudsey Civic Hall. They realise the power of words to persuade and inform on current topics. Our Year 6 pupils take part in the Owlcotes Book Awards where children get to read and recite a rnage of texts whilst meting selected authors of the chosen books. Our younger pupils take part in annual author and poet worshops as part of our Focus Week work sometimes these are directly linked to whole school book focus.