If you are looking for school places, please contact us for an informal chat and to arrange a visit. We have some places available in classes throughout school and we would love to show you all the fantastic work that has taken place recently.
Children born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 are due to start primary school in September 2022.
The application process is open from 01.11.2024 and closes on 15.01.202454. Further information can be found on the Leeds City Council Admissions website or by clicking here.
If you could like any further information, please contact the school office on 0113 2639216 and we will be able to help.
Our school uniform colour is a combination of red and grey/black. Most items can be bought from High Street shops.
All school uniform MUST be named.
Shoes should be flat and appropriate for school. If trainers are worn these should be plain (and preferably black) and without logos. Your child should wear shoes which he or she can manage to do up independently. Please do not send your child to school in shoes which prevent them from running in the playground. If boots are worn these also should be plain and with a flat heel. Nursery children do not need to wear uniform but please make sure they wear clothes that you don’t mind them getting messy!
P.E and Games Kit
Children need a change of clothes and footwear for P.E and a bag in which to keep the kit at school. Kits should be brought to school on a Monday and taken home on a Friday to be washed.
For health and safety reasons children are not permitted to wear any jewellery, including earrings, for P.E. Your child’s teacher will advise you when P.E lessons take place so that earrings can be removed or taped over. Tape or plasters should be provided from home.