Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page!
We will upload important information on this page throughout the year so please keep checking it regularly to keep up to date with what is happening in our class.
The Year 5 Team
- Mr Cliff- Year 5 Teacher
- Miss Hargreaves - Teaching Assistant
- Miss Lynch- HLTA (teaching on Thursday afternoons )
- Mr Wilson - HLTA (teaching on alternate Thursday mornings)
- Mrs Senior - Additional support and interventions
- Miss Wright- Phase Leader for Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6
If you need to contact the staff, you can call the school office on 01132639216 or email [email protected]
Parent-teacher meet
Our Gallery
Great Yorkshire Show - today we attended the Great Yorkshire Show which links to our Owlcotes Elements: Yorkshire Pride.
Science - we learnt all about friction today. The children’s task was to see which material produced the most friction to design a shoe for climbing.
DT - we made our empanadas in DT today. Students learnt how to make dough and they worked on their chopping skills.
Science - we learnt about air resistance and we completing an experiment to see which material produced the best parachute.
Running Out of Time - year 5 met with some of the runners who are partaking in a run from Ben Nevis to Big Ben to promote climate change. The children created some bunting relating to the effects of climate change and shared their views on how it affects them to the running team.
History - children created a timeline of key events during the Vikings time and stated how much control of the country they had at different points in that era.
DT - we are making Empanadas this term and students did some taste testing of fruit from South America to describe different tastes, textures and smells.
PE - year 5 are busy working in their houses practising for Sports Day at the end of term!
Art - here are some examples of the children’s final pieces of their fruit painting in the style of Paul Cezanne
Focus week - year 5 went to Armley Depot to take part in some bouldering to replicate the skills that Alex Honnold needs to free solo huge feats around the world!
PE - children developed their sending and receiving skills in PE lessons this term and applied them to in game situations
Science - as part of our space topic, students took part in Space Camp where they slept over at school and took part in astronaut training!
DT - our DT topic this half term was to creat a moving toy using cams mechanics. The children were challenged with creating a space themed moving toy and here are some of them.
Science - as part of our space topic, the children created a model of the solar system by representing each planet as a piece of fruit.
Drama - after weeks and weeks of rehearsals, year 5 performed their Shakespeare play: A Midsummer Night’s Dream. They were all so professional and put on an exhilarating performance.
Art - to finish our art topic, students produced some clay sculptures in the style of Augusta Savage.
Focus Week - For focus week, we have collaborated with Rievaulx House so the children are able to support their residents in combatting loneliness. We have written a narrative, performed a poem and created some excellent flowers using a range of drawing techniques.
Writing - year 5 have just finished their own Just So Story about how the peacock got its feathers. This classical story was based on the works of children’s author, Rudyard Kipling.
Reading - our reading book for this term is Coraline.

DT - After designing our Maya dwellings, the children used a variety of methods to make their houses. Here are some of the final models that we made.
Music - our music this half term is related to jazz music. In this lesson, we began practising on the recorders by playing the notes G, A and B.
Science - in science we completed an observation over time. We tested different materials to see which was the best thermal insulator for Mr Cliff’s morning coffee!
Geography - as part of our volcanoes topic, students created a model of the earth to show the different layers. This was to aid their understanding of plate tectonics and how a volcano is formed.
Writing - students included a variety of features (similes, metaphors, onomatopoeia, personification, alliteration and imagery) to write a poem about Winter.
Focus week - our focus week this term was about the arts. The theme in our piece of artwork was ourselves and the children focussed on drawing and collage to create a self portrait with words that relate to them.
Focus week - Hip-hop Phil came in to do a workshop with year 5. He taught the children how to express themselves through different forms of hip-hop. He showed them a variety of dances and the children loved it!
Art - children produced their final pieces of abstract art. They worked on a variety of art elements and created a piece related to our history topic: Ancient Maya.
Physical Education - our final PE session was putting all the skills we’ve been developing to a version of netball.
Science - students completed a comparative test today where they tested a variety of materials (salt, flour, cornflour, sugar and baking powder to see which made the best glue.
Science - the outcome of this science lesson was to see if mixing materials created new materials. Here, the students mixed together bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to create the carbon dioxide.
Writing - students finished the publication of their procedural text. We wrote a set of instructions on how to use the trim trail safely, which will be on display on the playground outside.
Science - the students tested a variety of solid materials to see if they were reversible or irreversible. We heated the solid up until it changed state and recorded our observations. We then discussed whether it was we could reverse the changes by cooling it down.
Commando Joe’s - after escaping the guards, our gladiators needed to get food in order to survive their journey. They worked on their responsibility, teamwork and determination skills in order to collect food for their house team.
Music - we have been preparing to sing Livin’ on a Prayer in assembly. Alongside learning the lyrics, we practised on the glockenspiels for the instrumental solo.
PE - we continued to work on our ball skills by practising bounce passes, chest passes and under/over arm passes. We introduced passing and moving so it could enhance our game play in the modified netball game: endball.
Science - following our lesson on solubility, we tested to see if solutions could be separated by filtration or evaporation.
Writing - students learnt about adverbs of time and using brackets for parenthesis in writing this week. These skills will be applied in their final write about a set of instructions on how to be safe on our new playground equipment (trim trail)
Commando Joe’s - our Spartans tried to escape the guards in a fun game which tested their teamwork, resilience and communication skills.
Science - year 5 classified materials in a variety of ways and looked at whether a material was soluble or insoluble by observing if it dissolved in water or not.
Health and safety - year 5 students completed a first aid course where they learnt how save lives in different situations with a focus on choking and CPR.
Commando Joe’s - our Commando Joe’s lesson today has a leadership and collaboration focus whereby groups had to lead their army by completing synchronised marching.
PE - our PE focus this term is based around netball. Today students practised their ball skills by throwing and catching in different ways.
Science - we started our Properties and Changes of Materials unit today and students took part in a practical activity where they had use different equipment to separate the materials.
Year 5 completed some excellent work on their first day back. In History, they used iPads to locate different Mayan city-states on a map.
Displays are up ready for the new academic year!