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  • Parents

    Uniform Information

    Our School Uniform:

    • Jumpers / cardigans - red. These can be plain or have the school logo embroidered on which can be ordered from My Clothing by clicking here. 
    • Polo shirts—red or white.
    • Trousers / skirts / shorts—plain black or grey. (shorts must be smart and tailored and of a suitable length- no lycra sports shorts).
    • Shoes - need to be suitable for school, no high heels and should be able to be fastened by the child.
    • Summer Dresses—red and white check.
    • PE Uniform - white t-shirts, black jogging bottoms or black shorts, a black jumper or hoodie and trainers. None of the clothing should have any logos, branding or pictures on. On the day children have PE in their class, they can wear their PE kit for the full day.
    • Jewellery - children are only allowed to wear small stud earrings and a watch once they are able to tell the time. Smart watches are not allowed to be worn in school. If children wear items of jewellery which are not allowed, we will ask them to remove them.
    Please help us to have a smart school by keeping to these clothing rules!

    If you need support with school uniform, please come and see us as we have a large amount of 'nearly new' clothes which we can provide, 

    Please ensure all school uniform and coats have your child's name written on the label so we can help to return lost property. If you need help with this, please contact the school office.

    School cannot take responsibility for personal items lost at school. We will always try our best to find anything which is lost but it is the child's responsibility to take care of their own things.

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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