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    Welcome to the Nursery Class Page!

    We will upload important information on this page throughout the year so please keep checking it regularly to keep up to date with what is happening in our class. 

    The Nursery Team

    • Mrs Wallace - Nursery Teacher
    • Mrs Billbrough - Nursery Nurse
    • Miss Asadi - Teaching Assistant
    • Miss Jackson - Phase Leader for Nursery and Reception

    If you need to contact the staff, you can call the school office on 01132639216 or email [email protected]

    Meet the Teacher - Thank you to all the parents who came to see me for the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting. Here is the presentation if you could not attend. Any questions then please come and see me.

    Autumn 1 -Stars of the week and Writers of the Week

    Week 5 Leeds Connect Challenge - Nursery took part in the Leeds Connect Challenge in memory of Rob Burrows. We ran 7 lengths of the hall and helped to raise money for MND. Well done Nursery! Thank you to all those families that donated.

    Week 4 Parachute Games - This week we have had some fun playing with the parachute. We sang 'The Grand Old Duke of York'. We had to wrk together to lift the parachute up and down in time to the song.

    Week 3 Dough Disco - We have been having lots of fun joining in the dough disco! We have been using our fingers to roll, splat, pinch and squeeze the dough which helps our fingers get stronger and ready for writing.

    Week 2 Expressive Art & Design - The children have been learning about themselves and what they look like. We used mirrors to look at our faces and talked about what colour, skin, hairs, eyes and lips we have. They children painted self portraits.



    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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