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  • Parents

    Lunch Menus

    If your child has a packed lunch at school, please do not send any nuts, or nut based products, due to allergies. 
    Thank you. 

    School Lunches

    Please see below for the lunch menus. If you have any questions, please let the office know. 

    ur lunch break times are :

    Nursery and Reception at  11:45am until-12:45pm 

    Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 at 12pm until 1pm

    From September 2024, the cost of pupil meals for Nursery and Years 3 to 6 are £2:40 per day per child. Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to universal free school meals under the Government's school food plan. 

    Payments should be made using School Money which you will need login details for. If you need to set this up, please contact the office staff on 01132639216 or email [email protected]

    Leeds City Council Catering provide our school meals and offer a three week rolling menu- see this terms menu below.

    Children may bring a packed lunch from home. If you wish to send your child with something warm to eat at lunchtime, please ensure this is stored in appropriate container and will be the right temperature when they eat it at lunchtime. 

    We are not able to heat any food that a child brings from home. 

    If you would like any advice on suitable food for a packed lunch, please contact the school office. 

    School Milk

    Children under 5 will be given free school milk. If your child is over 5 and you wish for them to have milk please complete a form at the school office. 

    Milk costs £27 per year and can be paid annually or £9 for each term. 

    Part of Owlcotes Multi Academy Trust

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